Tuesday, August 31, 2010

EDOL 533 Week 1 Post (Introduction)

Well we are about halfway through the first week of my first online graduate course and I am feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment, but I am sure it will get better as time goes by. Through the first week of Educational Technology we have discussed several topics including the National Technology Standards and the importance of technology use inside the classroom. It is in my opinion, that as time continues to fly by we will continue to see an increased use of technology by classroom educators. Which is a very good thing because there is a small majority of students that would be considered technology illiterate, simply because of lack of exposure.

One use of technology that really caught my eye is about how certain teachers are starting to incorporate the use of an online blog in their classroom. Now, I will be honest, this is my first experience with having a blog, so this is a learning experience for me too. I truly believe by having students create their own blog and giving them a certain amount of class time during the week to either post their blog or simply hand write their blog is a tremendous idea. I have used the analogy before of comparing a blog to an online journal for that class. The blog would be a spot where the student could reflect on his/her experience in that class for any particular week. In the blog they could include, what they liked/disliked, any concept they truly didn't understand, or simply their own comments that could make that class better for the student. Using the blog could really be beneficial for the instructor because it will provide them with instant feedback from his/her students. The only challenge I see for implementing this program, would be for those students who do not have access to a computer at home to post their weekly blog. This challenge would be solely dependent on how many  have access to a computer or even the Internet at their residents. One may overcome this challenge by having those who do not have computer access to simply turn in a hand-written copy into the instructor, or by scheduling class time in a computer lab where everyone would have computer access.

One thing I have learned this week is that there is a vast amount of technology being used by teachers inside the classroom. And in my experience in the classroom, the use of technology to aid in the learning process sometimes will serve as a spark of interest for the student into the curriculum being taught. Most kids today possess a fear of technology simply because they have not been exposed to the limitless amount of technology in our society today.

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